Pumpkin Ravioli

Prep time: 1 hour
Servings: 4


          For the filling

  • 2.5 C Pumpkin Puree
  • 2 oz Parmesan, freshly grated
  • ⅛  tsp Pumpkin Spice
  • 1 pinch Salt

For the pasta dough

  • 3 Eggs
  • ½  tsp Salt
  • 2 C Flour
  • 1 T Olive Oil

To serve

  • 4 T Butter
  • 8 Sage Leaves
  • ½ C Heavy Whipping Cream



For the pasta dough

  1. Put flour and salt on a cutting board, making a well in the flour.
  2. Add the eggs and olive oil into the center.
  3. Break up the eggs with a fork and slowly incorporate the flour and eggs. Continue until the eggs are well incorporated.
  4. Knead the dough until all the flour is incorporated.
  5. Form dough into the shape of a disk.
  6. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for 40 minutes.
  7. Cut the dough in half and roll into thin rectangular sheets or use a pasta roller.

For the filling

  1. Mix together the pumpkin puree, grated parmesan, and pumpkin  spice until well blended.
  2. Set aside.

To form ravioli

  1. If using a ravioli mold, lay a sheet of pasta over a ravioli mold then press down the frame to make indents.
  2. Fill each with a teaspoon of filling.
  3. Lightly dampen the edges of each ravioli with water then place another layer of dough on top, trying to avoid any air getting in each one.
  4. Seal, then trim the excess pasta from around the side of the mold.
  5. Carefully remove each ravioli from the mold and lay them on a floured trays.
  6. If not using a mold, make ravioli by laying the first piece of pasta out, dotting teaspoons of filling in even lines. Dampening dough on edges then place another layer of dough on top. Press the areas between the filling to seal and cut.

To serve

  1. Add butter and sage leaves to a saucepan and cook on medium heat until butter begins to brown.
  2. Add heavy whipping cream, reduce by half (approximately 10 minutes).
  3. Add ravioli to a pot of boiling salted water. Cook for 4 mins. Strain.
  4. Put Ravioli into cream sauce and toss for approximately one minute.
  5. Serve on a plate and garnish with fresh parsley or sage leaves.
Pumpkin Ravioli

Go Rogue by adding candied pepitas to the finished dish.

If you’d like Chef Jeff to make this dish or any other meal for you, contact him at www.TheRogueChef.com.

Check out the published recipe in the Branson Globe.
